October 02, 2024

Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochanan Challenges Jewish Narrative

In this thought-provoking debate, renowned historian Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan and noted Jewish scholar Rabbi Arthur Seltzer engage in a passionate discussion on the complexities of worldwide Jewish identity. Dr. Ben-Jochannan, an Afrocentric historian, challenges traditional narratives with his perspective on the African origins of the ancient Hebrews, while Rabbi Seltzer defends the traditional Jew-ish understanding of heritage and diaspora. This intense dialogue explores historical, cultural, and theological aspects of Hebrew identity, asking critical questions about ethnicity, religion, and the global Jewish experience. A must-watch for anyone interested in history, religion, and the dynamics of identity.

September 03, 2024

The Siege of Lachish, Hebrew Captives

I was in London this summer to get some footage of the Siege of Lachish reliefs, at the British Museum, where in 701 B.C., the Assyrians captured the city of Lachish, outside of Jerusalem. Well, there were similar Assyrian panel displays of their exploits available, but there was a "gallery closed" tape at the Lachish displays.
Click, Source Link

July 21, 2024

Make America Great Again, Indeed

While Donald Trump tried to overturn the election in 2020, President Joe Biden has stepped aside for the good of the nation. Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris indeed puts the United States in position to be great again. Kamala Harris has served as the Attorney General of California, United States Senator, currently V.P., and now the Democratic Party can get behind her for the presidency. People like Al Gore, in 2000, who stepped aside for the good of the country, and Biden, epitomize the good and progressive side of the United States.

June 04, 2024

Sumer, Mesopotamia, Progenitors of the Middle East

Genesis, the table of nations, and the extant artifacts in the current-day Middle East (Sumer, Mesopotamia) categorically provide abundant evidence of the progenitors of modern day Arabs, Persians, and Hebrews. Thanks to balanced 21st century research, the full history and culture of Black classical civilizations is available to the public-at-large.

April 08, 2024

Dalit Activists Building Links with Diaspora Blacks

Since the days of W.E.B. DuBois and India's Bhimrao Ambedkar, insightful Black activists from the Western and Eastern hemispheres, of the globe, have worked to converge the liberation struggles of melanated people worldwide. Overruling the objections of critics who say the link between India and Africa dates back 10s of thousands of years, emerging leaders such as Dr. Suraj Yengde, a Fellow at Harvard University, posit that the Aryan invasion of India, which left its imprint on the caste system there, is tantamount to the Jim Crow impact on Blacks in America. Currently, he is engaged in developing a critical theory of Dalits and Black Studies.

March 04, 2024

European Slaves Taken to Egypt Through the 1870s

Many people, today, wonder why contemporary Egyptians are commonly light skinned. Well, prior to the late 1800s, Barbary Coast corsairs (state-sanctioned pirates) raided the coastlines of Western Europe and Italy taking Europeans to North Africa, e.g. Egypt and Ottoman slave markets. In addition, the earlier Greek, Roman, and Levant incursions into Egypt impacted the characteristics of the people. Link: Slavery on the Barbary Coast

February 03, 2024

Schools are Shortchanging Black History

The Nile River descends from the highlands of the Great Lakes region of Central Africa and has deposited people along its shores since time immemorial. The Hollywood representations of European-looking biblical people is in stark contrast to the real depictions I saw in my visit to the Valley of the Kings. Schools at least should tell the truth about classical Black cultures.

December 09, 2023

An Ancient Syrian Soldier with his Wife

The color coding of Black classical cultures to look pink colored, in modern media, is a basic issue that should be addressed by the Department of Education and the religious community. Black youth, and people at large, are critically shortchanged when society fails to tell the truth. Mesopotamia and Sumer (currently the Middle East) were greater Africa to the ancient mind. World History Encyclopedia

October 08, 2023

Mass Media, Popular Culture, and History

The producers of Krapopolis, a comedy, have been forward-thinking in getting out a more accurate depiction of the ancient world, namely ancient Greece. Of course typically all of the ancient world's people have been depicted as pink-colored by Eurocentric media creators. From biblical illustrations to children's books, like Aesop's Tales, the current status quo could take a page from this forward-leaning satirical work.

September 02, 2023

Top: Menes, the unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt. Middle: Menhotep II, pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom. Bottom: Rameses the Great, from the tomb of Queen Nefertari. Despite the appropriation of Ancient Egypt by Eurocentric propaganda, the primary source depictions remind us that the falsifying of Black classical civilizations cannot outstrip the reality of legitimate artifacts. Meanwhile, the Fayum paintings of the first and second centuries, and the Ottoman slave trade (Turkey) of Europeans into Egypt through the late 1800s, remind us that societies are forever changing and evolving.

August 08, 2023

Freedom School Youth Indict Current-day Hip Hop

I had a great time teaching at Freedom School in the Twin Cities this summer. Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) started the schools in Mississippi during Freedom Summer, in 1964. The schools were designed to promote education for transformation and liberation. At this summer's graduation, the students held a mock trial pointing out the brillance of hip hop's early innovators juxtaposed with today's unwholesome lyrics, which were blamed with misleading the masses of youth in inner cities.

June 04, 2023

Jim Brown -- Les Lester with the NFL Great

We lost former NFL great Jim Brown recently. He was one of the best examples of an athlete who used his platform unequivocably to advance the causes of the oppressed, and Black people. Several years ago as a reporter with the Chicago Defender newspaper, I met with Brown, Earl King of the No Dope Express Foundation, and Eddie Read of Chicago Black United Communities (CBUC). Today's athletes would do well to assist in ensuring the correct framing of Black people and their history is promulgated.

May 08, 2023

George Floyd's Ancestor Had Gained Wealth

According to a new book -- His Name is George Floyd -- by Washington Post reporters Robert Samuel and Toluse Olorunnipa, George Floyd's ancestor Hillery Thomas Stewart, like many ambitious former enslaved men and women of the post-slavery era, worked hard and gained wealth; "but it was stripped away by unscrupulous businessmen and tax authorities during an era of racial terror." The authors' point out that Stewart had amassed 500 acres of land in North Carolina. "The kind of thing you can give to your descendants and allow them to have a shot in life." They say the the story is not unlike many descendants of African Americans, who played fair to achieve the American Dream, but were denied it due to Jim Crow America. Link: Center for Public Integrity

March 02, 2023

The schools in the West have never taught about Black classical cultures, such as the Etruscans who preceded Rome in Italy. To accelerate the education on these preeminent societies, schools must begin to ensure that primary source depictions, not the fraudulent modern artists' drawings, be promulgated in today's institutions. Early Rome was a colony of Etruria.

February 01, 2023

Africa's True Size Distorted by Maps... .

Because of distortions on the Mercator maps, we now know that the general depiction of Africa on the world's maps is undersized. A true representation of the continent reveals that the combined land masses of the United States, China, Western Europe, India, Eastern Europe, Mexico, and Japan would fit into Africa. Source Link

September 03, 2022

The Pyramid at Memphis, Tennessee

The modern-day pyramid in Memphis, USA, has a lot of upside for tourism. I was there recently and shot this cell phone footage. Back when the Rameses the Great exhibit visited Memphis, quite a few years ago, there was no mention, at the time, that Rameses was a Black man. Also known as Rameses II, he is depicted on the walls of his queen Nefertari. The coverup of Black classical cultures is egregious, to say the least.

August 02, 2022

Reconnecting Blacks: the Global Diaspora

Western colonialism worked to separate Blacks in the Western Hemisphere from those in the Eastern Hemisphere. Melanated people, whether from Africa proper or around the globe maintain the same melanin as the early Africans, who migrated to the regions. Just as Europeans in Britain and New Zealand are both considered white, so are melanated people, around the globe, Black African descendants. More recent research has shown that Polynesians traversed the Pacific Nazca Ridge to the Americas.

June 13, 2022

Joshua Maponga on the Pitfalls of Decentralization

Maponga argues that the decentralization of the continent of Africa, today, lessens its ability to defend economically and politically against larger more centralized states, such as the European Union, China, and Russia. Link: The slave trade and decentralized societies... .

May 02, 2022

Novel on White Slavery in Eastern Europe

Most Americans are unaware of white slavery, imposed by the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey), on the Slavic nations of Eastern Europe from 1453 to the late 19th century. And to some degree imposed by the Arabs in North Africa on Western Europeans. Author Linda Keres Carter, of Serbian descent, addresses it in her book The Tudjina, Mirrors in Black & White. Keres-Carter says in her book that an estimated 3.5 million boys were stolen from Serbia alone during the 500-year occupation by the Ottomans--above and beyond the adults enslaved. She says she found herself gravitating to African Americans when she grew up in Chicago, because she recognized a kindred history and struggle with Blacks. "Over in Serbia we were going through 500 years of terroristic rule. The testimony of a Serb against a Turk was inadmissable in court... . We had no rights they were bound to respect." She says, "If a Serb and a Turk passed in the road, the Serb was to get out of the road and let the Turk pass." Keres-Carter uses the spirit voices of her Serbian ancestors to tell the story of a fictional Serbian girl, who learns to navigate American oppression, which so clearly mirrors Serbian history.

March 06, 2022

The Minoans, Black Aegeans, and Modern Chicanery

The Minoans (Keftiu) trading with Egypt. From the tomb of Rekhmire, a vizier of Egypt. Source: Met Museum, New York

Fraudulent depiction of Minoan so-called "Ladies in Blue." The dark fragments were the original materials found, while the artist painted-in the rest. They call it artistic license.

The three European-looking people in this fresco were simply painted in. Close observation of the picture shows the original fragments. The couple to the right shows the legs were dark in the original. ---- Other Links

February 02, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg's Ethnic Firestorm Underpinnings

Click Link: Whoopi Goldberg's Ethnic Firestorm Underpinnings

While Jewish academic Henry Abramson disagrees with the idea that current-day Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Khazar converts in the 8th century, a critique of his video and an earlier one on the Khazar conversion to Judaism reveals gaping holes in his positions. For one, he never answers what happened to the Khazarian people. Flourishing empires don't just disappear without a trace. 

Meanwhile, the original Semites, where the Hebrews derived from, Genesis 10:22, the sons of Shem, were Black men, the Elamites (Mesopotamia). They did not just disappear from the Earth. There are still primary source artifacts that reveal who they were. And frankly, Abramson's findings surrounding Khazar grave artifacts with Jewish emblems are instructive.

The Whoopi Goldberg firestorm deserves a broader critique by America. Currently, the Israeli state receives $3.8 billion a year from the United States--Israel has been recieving funding from the U.S. since its founding in 1948.  Those dollars would do justice for the much-needed Black reconstruction.

January 01, 2022

The True Image of Nefertiti vs the German Fraud

National Geographic magazine is at it again. This time they're displaying the iconic fake Nefertiti bust (see Guardian article) currently housed in the Neues Museum in Berlin, Germany, on the cover of its Jan./Feb. 2022 issue. In its 2018 issue on race, an editor said: "For decades our coverage was racist. To rise above our past we must acknowledge it... ." Well, they might begin by pointing out the fraudulent current edition and revamp their past white supremacist leanings. The Nile River flows organically from the highlands of the Great Lakes region of Central Africa and historically deposited primordial people along its banks down to Egypt, where many migrated to the rest of the world, establishing the first great civilizations.----- Above photo: Talat of Nefertiti, from Armana, Egypt -- Link: Meritaten, a daughter of Nefertiti

November 02, 2021

The Aethiopian Sea, the True Name of the S. Atlantic

The Atlantic Ocean was once called the Aethiopian Ocean according to Princeton University's map collections research. And the fact checkers at Africa Check, an online fact verifier, gives the university a thumbs up, on its findings. Works such as the Illiad and the Odyssey, meanwhile, reveal the whole of Africa was called Ethiopia two-thousand years ago. The term Ethiopian Ocean/Sea fell out of favor during the height of European colonialism in the 18th century.

September 20, 2021

Sphinx of Darius the Great, of Persia

This is a primary source depiction of one of the Darius the Great sphinxes. School textbooks are still using artists' representations rather than the archaeological finds--I will post more on the African-hair (statue-type) reliefs, at some point. 

Mesopotamia, Sumer were greater Africa to the ancient mind. Ref: Darius the Great, Louvre

August 18, 2021

Christian White Slaves, Muslim Masters

Photo: A Meccan merchant (right) and his Circassian slave. by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, c. 1888
From as early as the 14th century to the 19th century, white Christian chattel slavery ran concurrently with the transatlantic slave trade. Under the auspices of the Ottoman Empire, upwards of 2.5 million Eastern European slaves were captured. And in Western Europe, historian Robert Davis has estimated that 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary Coast pirates, with the sanctioning of Libya, Algiers, Tunisia, and Morroco in North Africa. Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands coastlines were said to have been depleted, in some periods, by the raids. Merchant and passenger ships along with fishermen were also targeted by Muslim and European privateers. Sources: Davis, Robert. British Slaves on the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800. -- The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 3, AD 1420–AD 1804)

July 19, 2021

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

John Perkins is getting old, now. But listen to him. He was an economic hit man contributing to the destabilization of underdeveloped nations. When a country's leaders failed to do business with select companies or take IMF/World Bank loans, the jackals would come in carrying out assassinations and fomenting civil war.

June 18, 2021

May 01, 2021

"The American Narrative Killed George Floyd"

How police officers are informed about Black people contributed to Derek Chauvin's callous treatment of George Floyd, when he kept his knee on Floyd's neck, killing him. "The American narrative on Black people is inaccurate from ground zero. In 1619 North America, Blacks and whites were indentured servants, contrary to contemporary frameworks. Meanwhile, whites and Blacks were in jeopardy of being enslaved, during the period, by state-sanctioned Barbary Coast Pirates. Fishermen, coastal villagers and whites in general in England and France, to the Netherlands, were prey to enslavement by maritime prowlers, who were offshoots of the ongoing Ottoman slave trade in Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus. (Les Lester, George Floyd Square following the verdict.)

February 01, 2021

2020 Census -- Black Egyptians White

Dr. Mostafa Hefny, a native Black Egyptian, is identified by the United States government as white. He has been fighting the U.S. for over 30 years to classify him, and those like him, under his proper designation--a Black man. But the U.S. Census in 2020 still listed all Egyptians as white. Arab-descended Egyptians did not conquer Egypt until circa 639-646 A.D., with the onslaught of Amr ibn al-'As and his troops. Since as early as 1915, W.E.B. DuBois fought against the white framing of Egypt, in his writings. And French journalist Constantin Volney published his book "The Ruins" of Empires in the mid to latter 1700s, which lauded the heritage of the Egyptians as Black people. Mostapha Hefny would like this cleared up via the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration.

December 16, 2020

Resetting the Genes--Reversing Aging

What was science fiction just a few years ago is being done in the laboratory, today. And now, during the COVID-19 stay-at-home, more people are studying the research and taking the plunge to reverse aging--resveratrol, nicotinamide Riboside (an NAD+ cell regenerator), and in some cases metformin, are being tested to reset aging cells--could we be at the door of the foretold millennium? Will people actually age in reverse?

November 13, 2020

Ghana's Jerry Rawlings Succumbs to COVID-19

Ghana's former Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings risked death amidst two military coups to ensure Kwame Nkrumah's vision of a Pan Africanist Africa, with Ghana ensconced as a leader, was maintained. Rawlings passed in an Accra hospital on November 12. Jerry Rawlings

September 12, 2020

Covid-19, Rethinking Our Economic Model

This Frontline episode points out how automation is changing the business landscape of America. Subsequently, the Amazons, Walmarts, McDonalds, and manufacturers are in a position to fully automate. How we respond will determine our collective future... .

August 18, 2020

Thought I'd share my Facebook posting on the Moors. Western framing of those Blacks in Renaissance Europe is errantly promulgated as enslaved people. But as I've mentioned before on this blog, the Moors brought culture to dark ages Europe. Note: the young woman in the white headscarf, column right, middle, is a Swiss girl circa late 1700s to early 1800s. 

June 04, 2020

Hannibal's Tactical Defeat of the Romans, Won but for Reinforcements... .

The documentary was accurate in portraying a Black Hannibal, which extant sources corroborate. But the surrounding soldiers, though some were Black in the film, were European looking for the most part, in this modern version. The filmmaker did note that many of Hannibal's soldiers were from the Italian countryside. Rome had emerged as a colony of Etruria, (Etruscan coin, possibly Hannibal), even the so-called barbarian tribesmen would have been more mixed-looking than the film illustrates. There were still Etruscan city states in the time of the Punic Wars.

March 27, 2020

Tiger Woods on Golf Club Racism as a 14-year-old

Tiger Woods talks about how as a child the racism was palpable at golf clubs, where he played... .

October 18, 2019

American Indians Were Darker in Early America

When European explorers first reached the Americas, they thought they had landed on the eastern shores of India. Their drawings of Native Americans were of dark, swarthy people; many of them depicted with frizzy hair like that of the early Dravidians, of India, and Africans.
Today, progressive scholars are beginning to recognize that, indeed, the American Indian is the same phenotype as the Eastern Indian. And the preposterous racial classifications of Johann Blumenbach are being shown for what they were, European fallacies. Photo left: Early Dutch depiction of Indians in the New York - Delaware area.
Photo above: Sitting Bull with his family. As outlined earlier on this blog, the Early Africans migrated along the shores of the Indian Ocean reaching India, the Pacific Islands, and southern and eastern Asia. The volcanic islands of the Pacific, meanwhile, over the epochs, were stepping stones to the Americas. Asians from the North intermingled with the Africans to foster the red man. The writings of Vasco da Gama and others indicate that they were aware of swarthy people on all parts of the Earth.
Photo above: Choctow Indians of Mississippi, 1908
Click: Mississippi Choctaw Indians Today... .

June 08, 2019

A Modern Iranian Explicates Ancient Black Persia

Just as America's borders have shifted, since its origins to the Louisiana Purchase, etc., the ancient world had shifting borders over the epochs where different names were utilized to designate the same area. Elam was a region of Persia, older than Persia itself, that housed Persia's capital Susa. (At 3:08, in the video, the narrator begins to explicate the Black origins of ancient Persia.)

May 04, 2019

Three Black Beauty Queens in 2019... .

It's good to see America is getting some sense in 2019. Miss USA, Miss America, and Miss Teen USA are all this country's beauty queens. Applause is in order--sweet chocolatte is becoming popular again.

February 03, 2019

Black History and Machiavellianism

It has been clearly shown on this blog, over the past several years, that the coverup of classical Black cultures is extensive and all encompassing in Western society. Greece (the Minoans), Rome (the Etruscans), Egypt (Kemet), Assyria, Persia, Sumer, the Pacific Islands, and I could go on with the results of primary source findings, which conclusively reveal that the Machiavellian Trump-type tactics of the current status quo are contributing greatly to the misinformation consumed by Blacks, and others, throughout the Diaspora. Let us join together and challenge the presidential candidates, for 2020, that they will select a Secretary of Education who will summarily correct the colonialist vestiges we're still immersed in.

March 03, 2018

Black Panther, an African-Renaissance Film

The movie Black Panther represents the essence of everything we’ve desired in a Black-genre film, iconoclastic, trendsetting, intelligent, and visionary. It frames the African world outside the boilerplate European-influenced constraints that have come to define Black filmmaking. Wakanda, a small African nation that neighbors (fictional) Narobia, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, has a breathtaking skyline in its capital city, Birnin Zanda, reminiscent of a blended Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, cityscape, give or take another fifty to one-hundred years of unimpeded progress. But in the movie, the Kingdom of Wakanda is real, and it’s now. The scenery and costumes are dazzling and evocative of the incipience that is primordial Africa, the mother continent of us all. Add-in the maternal instincts of female imperial guards and mostly African characters, and we have the makings of an African-renaissance film that we can all be proud of. In the movie, Black Panther’s uncle had left an illegitimate African-American son in Oakland, California (in 1966) after he was killed following revelations that he was involved in selling vibranium, a precious metal derived from a meteorite collision in present-day Wakanda centuries ago. The valuable metal’s impact on a native herb is what gives Black Panther (T’Challa) his powers, and Wakanda its technological and financial wealth. T’Challa learns of the story of his uncle during the same period that his first cousin, the illegitimate African-American son, brings back the dead body of a pernicious vibranium dealer. The conflict between the African-American cousin (Erik Killmonger) and T’Challa reaches a climatic end that explicates the current real-world narrative of African-American, African relations. Characterizations like the dogmatic Jabari tribe, which evokes thoughts of Hebrew-Israelite brothers on America’s and London's street corners make for introspective analysis on the Black liberation struggle.

January 07, 2018

Images of the Moors Proliferated in Europe

Throughout Europe, there remain family crests, statues, busts, and ornaments dedicated to the Moors who rescued Europe from the dark ages. The Moors brought enormous learning to Spain that over centuries would percolate through the rest of Europe. The intellectual achievements of the Moors in Spain had a lasting effect; education was universal in Moorish Spain, while in Christian Europe, 99 percent of the population was illiterate, and even kings could neither read nor write. At a time when Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen, located in Almeria, Cordova, Granada, Juen, Malaga, Seville, and Toledo. Source: Atlanta Black Star.
The Moors were in Spain from 711 - 1492, until the fall of Granada.

October 21, 2017

Mesopotamia -- Paintings from Mari

From the palace of Mari’s Palm Court. The walls were covered with elaborate paintings depicting the deeds of Mari’s kings as well as depictions of daily life in the city. Mari flourished circa 2900 B.C. - 1761 B.C., in the present-day Iraq/Syria border area. -- The entire Middle East was the Black Lands.

September 09, 2017

Blacks and Native Americans--the Jury is Still Out... .

The jury is still out on reconciling whether the Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans were aboriginal looking--what has been called aboriginal looking, or were they the mixed red man (Mongoloid/Africoid) that we have come to call the American Indian. The Egypt Search site had some interesting debate on the issue so I decided to post this artifact that has been posited in some camps as Inca noblemen and in others as Spanish soldiers wearing Inca nose jewelry.

Interestingly, a basic google of "Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans" has the indigenous people of the Americas looking pink colored.

July 13, 2017

Clarifying the Out-of-Africa Migrations... .

The out-of-Africa paradigm that early Africans traveled overland to the far reaches of the world needs to be modified to reflect the  more natural patterns of migration, which would have occurred along the Indian Ocean shores. The Dravidians of India, Indonesian, and Pacific Island Black people emerged from natural generation-to-generation migrations of Africans following the coastlines. In some cases, Monsoon storms would have transported lost boaters across the expanse in short periods. 

April 17, 2017

We Must Expand Our Cognitive Map Globally... .

The long siege of the Pacific Islands continues.  How many more of the West Papua New Guinean's must die before we raise our voices?

Remember, we often muse: Why didn't the continental Africans somehow work to help us during our long night of enslavement... . 

February 18, 2017

Black History: Ethiopian Jews in Israel

The Ethiopian Jews are direct descendants from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

December 17, 2016

A Young Lydia Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii

Source Link, Liliuokalani Trust--photo right, a relative with Liliuokalani. --------Melanesian, Polynesian, and Micronesian designations of the island peoples of the Pacific are Western labels designed to point out how much Africoid admixture is still present among the islanders' in question. Since the 19th Century, the percentage of indigenous Blacks in Hawaii, and some other islands, has dwindled to unprecedented lows. Over the epochs, the (volcanic) mountaintop Pacific Islands served as stepping stones to the Americas earliest inhabitants.

September 01, 2016

There Were Black Tribes Already in America... .

-------------------------Ruby Tigertail, Sister of Charlie Tigertail------------------------
Additional Research... .
European explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano (1524-1528 travels) concerning some of the Indians in the Carolinas: "They are dark in color, not unlike the Ethiopians, with thick black hair, not very long, tied back behind the head like a small tail. As for the physique of these men, they are well proportioned, of medium height, a little taller than we are. They have broad chests, strong arms, and the legs and other parts of the body are well composed."

The Indians in America Were Like Those in India... .

The Indians in the Americas were an admixture of Africans and Mongoloids, just like those in India. I agree with those who prefer to keep their earlier appellation of Indian.

March 27, 2016

Princess Enheduanna, Daughter of Sargon of Akkad

Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's show Cosmos: A Space-time Odyssey was keen to feature the proper racial depiction of Princess Enheduanna the daughter of King Sargon of Akkad. Kudos to Neil and his staff.

December 06, 2015

Journalist Les Lester

The primary source findings on my blog, here, show conclusively that America is not living up to its mantra of "freedom and justice for all." Modern artistic depictions of classical Black cultures such as the Minoans, Etruscans, Egyptians, and others reveal institutional complicity in the cover up of the epic saga of Black civilizations. It is time now to merge the full story of Black history with world history--to do anything less is to ensure the continued second-fiddle existence of Black children. Furthermore, full diffusion of our classic narrative will strengthen our esprit de corps, lessening the high crime rates in our communities, as our youth emerge with a fuller legacy to draw from.

June 09, 2015

We Must Protest the King Tut Mini Series

The real King Tut, from his throne back rest. White characters are used to portray King Tut and the Egyptians in this made for TV film. This is unconscionable. King Tut lived in the 1300s B.C., while the Arabs didn't arrive in Egypt until 640 A.D. It is set to air on July 19, 2015 via Spike TV. Please direct complaints to the FCC and your local cable providers.

May 04, 2015

The Minoans, Black Aegean Cruise

A perusal of this blog indicates that world history, as we know it, should be revamped to ensure that all students get the truth about history and not the fallacies that have come to represent the current narrative. The Minoans, who fostered Greek civilization, are just one of the many Black cultures that have been obscured under Western colonialism. The Etruscans preceded Rome, in Italy. And the Middle East could well be called Northeast Africa, as all of the so-called Middle East was populated by Blacks prior to later admixtures. Egyptians, Assyrians, Akkadians, Ethiopians, and the Minoans, among others, comprised a trading block that represented the premier cultures of the pre-Eurocentric world.----- Link

April 02, 2015

Senegal's African Renaissance Monument

There's a language in art. Sometimes it's codified. But more often than not the pure beauty of a piece communicates simply because it's there. That's how I feel about Senegal's colossal African Renaissance Monument--it's breathtaking. Imagine waking up to that on your skyline every day. Lauded by some; minimized by others, it gets a thumbs up in these quarters.