April 08, 2024

Dalit Activists Building Links with Diaspora Blacks

Since the days of W.E.B. DuBois and India's Bhimrao Ambedkar, insightful Black activists from the Western and Eastern hemispheres, of the globe, have worked to converge the liberation struggles of melanated people worldwide. Overruling the objections of critics who say the link between India and Africa dates back 10s of thousands of years, emerging leaders such as Dr. Suraj Yengde, a Fellow at Harvard University, posit that the Aryan invasion of India, which left its imprint on the caste system there, is tantamount to the Jim Crow impact on Blacks in America. Currently, he is engaged in developing a critical theory of Dalits and Black Studies.

March 04, 2024

European Slaves Taken to Egypt Through the 1870s

Many people, today, wonder why contemporary Egyptians are commonly light skinned. Well, prior to the late 1800s, Barbary Coast corsairs (state-sanctioned pirates) raided the coastlines of Western Europe and Italy taking Europeans to North Africa, e.g. Egypt and Ottoman slave markets. In addition, the earlier Greek, Roman, and Levant incursions into Egypt impacted the characteristics of the people. Link: Slavery on the Barbary Coast

February 03, 2024

Schools are Shortchanging Black History

The Nile River descends from the highlands of the Great Lakes region of Central Africa and has deposited people along its shores since time immemorial. The Hollywood representations of European-looking biblical people is in stark contrast to the real depictions I saw in my visit to the Valley of the Kings. Schools at least should tell the truth about classical Black cultures.