January 01, 2022

The True Image of Nefertiti vs the German Fraud

National Geographic magazine is at it again. This time they're displaying the iconic fake Nefertiti bust (see Guardian article) currently housed in the Neues Museum in Berlin, Germany, on the cover of its Jan./Feb. 2022 issue. In its 2018 issue on race, an editor said: "For decades our coverage was racist. To rise above our past we must acknowledge it... ." Well, they might begin by pointing out the fraudulent current edition and revamp their past white supremacist leanings. The Nile River flows organically from the highlands of the Great Lakes region of Central Africa and historically deposited primordial people along its banks down to Egypt, where many migrated to the rest of the world, establishing the first great civilizations.----- Above photo: Talat of Nefertiti, from Armana, Egypt -- Link: Meritaten, a daughter of Nefertiti